Vídeo: Homem invade creche com facão, é contido por “tio da van” e vai preso

video homem invade creche facao contido tio van vai preso
Via @metropoles | Um homem foi preso em flagrante após invadir uma creche em Osasco, na Grande São Paulo, na tarde desta quarta-feira (26/4). O suspeito estava com um facão.

Segundo a Prefeitura de Osasco, funcionários da unidade viram o suspeito e acionaram o “Botão SOS Escola”. A Polícia Militar e a Guarda Civil Metropolitana (GCM) foram acionadas às 13h35.

O caso aconteceu no Centro Municipal de Educação (CEMEI) Mario Quintana, localizado na Rua José da Costa, no Jardim São Pedro.

Segundo testemunhas, o homem tentou abordar uma pessoa na entrada da creche e invadiu o pátio depois. Ninguém foi atacado.

Suspeito foi contido por transportador escolar

Após o episódio, o prefeito de Osasco, Rogério Lins (Podemos), e o secretário de Educação, Cláudio Piteri, foram ao local para conversar com os profissionais.

No instagram, Rogério Lins afirmou que o suspeito teria sido contido inicialmente por um transportador escolar, o “Tio Alex”. Em nota, a prefeitura afirma que depois o “suspeito foi rendido por policiais militares”.

“Não houve feridos. O suspeito não teve qualquer contato com funcionários ou alunos da unidade de ensino”, diz o comunicado.

“As escolas da rede municipal dispõem de câmeras, controladas pela Central de Monitoramento Escolar, e os diretores e gestores das unidades contam com o ‘Botão SOS Escola’, acionado através de app, onde estão cadastrados”.

A ocorrência vai ser investigada pelo 1º Distrito Policial de Osasco.

Felipe Resk
Fonte: www.metropoles.com


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  1. The video depicts a man wielding a machete entering a daycare center, only to be subdued by the "van uncle." The van uncle's swift intervention prevented a potential tragedy. This incident highlights the importance of community vigilance and quick thinking. The video's portrayal of bravery and teamwork is commendable. However, it also raises concerns about security measures in such establishments.
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  4. A man with a machete broke into a daycare center in a startling incident that was caught on camera. The perpetrator was stopped in his tracks by a courageous onlooker known as the "van uncle," who acted quickly to save the kids from danger. The video displays the hero's valiant response, disarming the attacker before the authorities could get there. After that, the attacker was taken into custody. This moving video serves as a reminder of how crucial community cooperation and awareness are to protecting public areas. Without a doubt, the "van uncle's" bravery saved a tragedy, underscoring the vital part regular people may play in maintaining public safety.
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    The text provides a contextualization of an incident, emphasizing the importance of reporting and discussing such events for awareness and prevention. It provides a brief description of the incident, including the man's invasion of a church and the role of the "tie-too" in it. The text analyzes the reactions of those involved, including church officials, witnesses, and the man with the van, highlighting the courage and readiness of the van to intervene. It discusses possible motivations behind the attack and its consequences for safety and the well-being of children and the community. It presents the response of police authorities and the man's subsequent imprisonment, emphasizing the importance of law and justice in such cases. It also discusses the incident's impact on local communities and security policies in schools and educational institutions, emphasizing the need for additional safety and prevention measures. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of being vigilant and proactive in protecting children and communities from security threats and incentivizing actions to promote a safe and welcoming environment.


  7. The incident involving a man wielding a machete who intruded into a daycare was swiftly resolved by a heroic intervention. Dubbed the "van uncle," the quick-thinking individual subdued the assailant, preventing potential harm to children and staff. Law enforcement promptly arrested the intruder, ensuring the safety of the community. This event underscores the importance of vigilance and rapid response in protecting vulnerable spaces like childcare facilities.


  8. The incident involving a man wielding a machete who intruded into a daycare was swiftly resolved by a heroic intervention. Dubbed the "van uncle," the quick-thinking individual subdued the assailant, preventing potential harm to children and staff. Law enforcement promptly arrested the intruder, ensuring the safety of the community. This event underscores the importance of vigilance and rapid response in protecting vulnerable spaces like childcare facilities.
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